An intimate look inside the struggles of an active, temple going, Latter-Day-Saint wife and mother (Mormon) who also happens to be Bi-Sexual.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Dream Interpretation
I went to for this. They have a plethora of details to go through. Even the smallest detail can have a big significance.
But, basics of my dream was saying I am comfortable with the path I am currently on, but I am afraid of being exposed and having what I am used to misconstrue my thoughts and actions. I am accepting of my love, my life and myself. I am being reassured by friends and family about all of this.
How interesting that an intense sexual dream can mean so many other things?! Pretty cool, no?
Hope you're having a good week so far!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Intense Dreams
When I dream, I'll usually remember vaguely what it's about, whether good, bad. The ones I tend to remember are those of a sexual nature. Those I usually remember in full color, down to the last detail of who it was, and what was done. Apparently my subconscious is a depraved deviant.
Well, I've dreamed just about husband, another guy, another girl, threesomes, down to an orgy or two. One even involving a Nun and a vibrator (no, I wasn't with her...long story, but funny) I always wake up thinking "Wow."
I've had some of these dreams interpreted before, and they are really accurate with what is going on in my life. So, I'll do some research and post it after this one.
Well, I was living/dating this girl that was a mix of about three people I know in real life. The funny thing is, she was so NOT my type at all. But, we were getting married later that day. We were getting ready...apparently I was the "butch one" because I was wearing pants and she was in a white dress. I remember seeing my husband and my kids there. They were happy for me. I remember thinking "we're divorced, but he's still my best friend." We had the wedding at and LDS church, but it wasn't by a Bishop, it was a woman that married us. The rest of it was filled with friends, family and a party.
Then the wedding night came...I won't go into detail...but let's just say, I remember every.single.detail.
Did I enjoy it? Yes. Do I feel guilty about it? Yes. But how can you feel guilty about something you have no control over?
Dream interpretation to follow!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
As I Have Loved You: Religious Tolarence
One time, in 5 grade, I was at recess swinging on the swings with a friend when she said, "My dad said I can't be your friend anymore because you're Mormon." I remember saying, "Well, do you like me? Let's still be friends and not tell your dad." to which she agreed, though we didn't play as much as we used to. I remember feeling a little hurt by it, but I was still too young to understand. In later years, I realized how messed up it was.
I have Pagan, Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, every form of Christianity, Wiccan, Atheist, Agnostic...I could go on and on. I've felt that if you're a good person, it doesn't matter your beliefs. My parents even lived in the Middle East for a time, so I have a deep respect for the Islamic Faith.
A few years ago, when finishing my degree, I took a World Religion class to fill up some electives. I was enthralled. I learned a couple of truths, every religion has truth and kindness in it and more often than not, the things we see are man's version of the words of God, they have been twisted around for a person's benefit.
So, I wanted to shed some light on a few religions that have a lot of misunderstandings. Like every religion, the nuts and the fringe proclaimers of one religion steal the spotlight from true followers.
Islam. This is what cracks me up the most, fearmongers claim Islam is not a good religion, that Allah is a vengeful, horrible God....guess what?! They believe in the God of Abraham. They believe in Christ...their book (The Q'uran) was written by the Prophet Muhammad. In the Q'uran, Muhammad gave women the right to vote, to own land, he stopped infanticide (As a culture, they would kill baby girls to make way for a son)...he did this over 500 years before the US was even thought of! While there are some passages about "killing infidels those are ALWAYS taken out of context. In the Bible, there are passages that are similar. True believers and followers of Islam think it's horrible what the extremists are doing "In the name of God."
Buddhism: The 8 Fold Path is a beautiful one, very peaceful, very respectful. Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Effort, Right Concentration, Right Mindfulness. The story of the Buddha and The Bodhi Tree is very similar to that of Christ in the wilderness for 40 days fasting and being tempted by Satan. In the Buddhist story, it when Mara, the Lord of Desire tempted him.
Taoism: The Yin and Yang symbol, everyone's seen it. The basics are "There are opposing forces, and life will result when they unite.
Paganism: "Dirt loving hippies" is a common term used. They are very in touch with nature with, the spirit of nature, they see beauty and gods/goddesses in all. This year we are studying Lorenzo Snow in Relief Society, a few weeks ago, there was a quote with him saying "Our Mother Earth". There have been talks about the earth being a living spirit. We are the stewards of the earth. We have been commanded to take good care of our earth. Being in tune and loving nature, respecting it is a common goal we should both share.
Wiccan: While all wiccans are pagans, not all pagans are wiccans. Wiccan is a witch/warlock, plain and simple. The misunderstanding is the different "colors" of wiccans. People assume all wiccans are into evil. Yes, there are dark wiccans. They are not nice people...but, the wiccan's main statement is basically "What you do unto others, you will receive back 3 fold." So, it's a very karmic circle, most wiccans are very peaceful ones. The rituals or "spells" that involve weird looking things are normally protection spells, weather spells, is their form of prayer. Do we not pray for protection and rain?
I could go on for years about many others, but I wanted to focus on a few that have REALLY had a bad rap lately.
Hope you enjoyed, learned something new, learned that with any religion, there is beauty and idiots.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Almost to 2,000 hits and in Ten Countries!!
LGBT Actors/Actresses
So, without further adieu!
Ellen Degeneress
Portia de Rossi (married to Ellen)
Neil Patrick Harris
Fiona Shaw (played the horrible aunt in the Harry Potter movies)
T.R. Knight (from Gray's Anatomy)
Cynthia Nixon (Sex in the City)
Wanda Sykes
Nathan Lane (I adored him in Birdcage!)
Ian McKlellen (Gandolf and Magnito)
David Hyde Pierce (from Frasier)
Rosie O'Donnell
Jodi Foster (Nell is still one of my favorite movies she's done!)
Lily Tomlin (famous comedian!)
Jane Lynch
George Takei (Solo from the original Star Trek...if you're ever on his fb page, check it out, he is hilarious!)
Angelina Jolie (yes please!)
Eddie Izzard (funny as can be British comedian/actor that is a transvestite...if you can get past the constant use of the f-word, he's brilliant. I just think in England, Fuck doesn't have the same cringing affect it does on us in the states!)
Have anyone else you'd like to add??
My sister lives in a neighboring city (a tornado touched down Sunday near her! Scary).
Thank goodness, they are safe!! However, there are many who aren't. As of right now, about 23 members have lost their homes and many more have lost loved ones, pets, homes...
In my city, I'm collecting clothing and blankets to send to my sister who will be hosting a few families who have lost almost everything. I encourage you to do what you can to give too. If you can, please do so. It's in these horrible disasters when we see the truth of humanity spark to life again.
I love to see our people, the LDS, the Mormons...whatever you call us...when things go wrong, we go strong.
Monday, May 20, 2013
So, today, here's a bit more about me.
This last week I've heard Mama Ocean calling. Urging me to come home.
I grew up about 45 minutes outside of Oakland/San Francisco. I am a die hard Oakland A's fan. I was in the 1989 earthquake that ravenged the area. I still hyperventilate when I go over the bay bridge...watching those cars, people falling into the ocean below, the cars sandwiched between decks really stays with a 9 year old. Every summer we'd drive up to Bodega Bay a few times. It's a lovely place and yes, that is where Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" was filmed. My grandparents took my mom and her siblings, she took us, and now, I take mine. It's a beautiful tradition that I try hard to keep alive.
Another place that has become a new favorite is Sebastopol. I have some dear friends that live there and whenever I come, we try to go to Screamin' Mimi's...the BEST ice cream I have EVER had!
Though I don't live too close now, I still have family and lots of friends in the area. So I try to visit when I can...especially when I get the beckoning from Mama Ocean.
On my Facebook page, I mentioned that I am in desperate need to go. My friend near Bodega said "get in your car and drive!" I thought, why not?! So, I called her and we made plans to spend the night and go! I'm so excited!
The ocean to me means so much. It is my place of solace, of healing, of joy and respect. I have always had a stonger spiritual connection when in nature, and well, the ocean is the biggest conductor outside the temple for me.
I'm thrilled to recharge my batteries, enjoy sun and surf and be close to my Heavenly Father and my kids.
What are your plans for Memorial Day? Where is the best spot for you outside the temple/church where you feel close to those in Heaven?
Much love,
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Hey guys! Just a quick check of the systems! I'm hearing crickets lately I e-mails!
I would love to hear from y'all again!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Nudity: Tasteful Beauty or Disgusting Porn?
While, I do think some nudity is tasteless, it's not to the degree people would think.
I'm a musician and LOVE musicals. I'm also a huge Beatles fan. So, needless to say when the movie "Across The Universe" came out, I was super excited to see it! I absolutely LOVED it! It took a very intimate look at the youth in the 60's and 70's. There was one scene where the leading female's breast are exposed while sleeping and the leading man sitting nearby was painting and glanced over to see her gently sleeping. He goes on to sing the song "Something". To me, it was just amazing and beautiful. Have you ever had a lover look at your naked form and there is nothing but amazement, love, rapture in their eyes? That's what that scene did for me.
Then, the week following it coming out, I heard people tearing it down for that moment of, what I thought was a pure, beautiful expression of love. They said it wasn't needed, it was shameful, it was downright horrific.
It sadden me.
Yes, in the LDS faith, we are taught to cover ourselves, to be modest. Indeed I am. I wear my garments day and night, the exceptions are when I'm cycling or wet (swimming to showering.). But, I think sometimes it is taken too far. Being modest doesn't meaning closing the door completely on sensuality or sexuality, it just means we need to understand and respect it.
God made these bodies...complete with the parts that people find "gross and embarrassing". But the thing is, it isn't. It is beautiful, raw, amazing. I believe it is a very profound and wonderful connection between you and your spouse. Not something to be ashamed of!
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not encouraging you to go out and have sex by any means. Just to have a better, healthier understanding.
Don't think it's wrong or shameful. We think God is beautiful, we think his creations are beautiful. We are his creations too, therefor we are beautiful. Remember that, respect it, live it.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
A Great Loss
Today, Angelina Jolie announced that she had a specific gene that greatly increases her chances of having breast and ovarian cancer, which the latter claimed her mother in her 50's. So, she decided to have a double mastectomy. You can read the full story here.
So, I think, if you do get tested and have that specific gene, it could be a great way to prevent cancer from forming. My mother-in-law is a two time breast cancer survivor. When she first had it, they only did one, they didn't do a double like they do now. And, well, it came back. My sister has had cervical cancer as well as other female problems. I have thought before of having some things removed to prevent that because I too have some female problems. It's a scary thought. The big "C" word scares a lot of folks. Would you rather take preventive measures to not get it in the first place or risk getting it and going through the horrors of chemo? Me personally, I'd say take 'em off. I've seen what chemo does, it's not pretty...I'd rather lose the boobs than go through chemo or lose my life.
That being said, I am sad at the same time. Angelina Jolie is my #1 on "the list" that every married couple says they don't have but do. Ever since Tomb Raider (watched them over the weekend ironically!) I have had a HUGE crush on her!! She, to me was a perfect specimen of beauty (both inside and out), philanthropy, kick ass chick movies, and crazy.
So, Miss Jolie, I applaud you for your bravery in speaking out about this in hopes to help other women to deal with this issue in their lives, and I'm sorry for yours, and the world's loss.
Yes, there was a bit of tongue and cheek in there.
Have a wonderful day all!
<3 Jessie
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
So, to all my weirdos, all my freaks, all my loves. Be proud of who you are. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Friday, May 3, 2013
A Homeless Man, A Transgender and Strawberries
Like I've mentioned before, I'm trying to get back into marathon shape. I'm slowly working up more and more. I live in a valley outside the city, but if I go anywhere nearby, it's very very hilly. I'm not ready to hit the big hills yet, so I went in the city to a beautiful river trail. It's a very slow, gradual incline, so it's very nice for starting back out again. I can go 1o-15 miles without a big problem.
It is a two lane biking/running only trail and in some spots can be a bit remote. Anytime I pass someone going the opposite way, I always smile and nod (it's hard to wave.)
There is one area of the river that is frequented by homeless people. As a general safety rule, I try not to stop in that area unless there are many people around (and I ALWAYS tell someone where I'm at, where my trip started and an approx time I should be back.)
But this time, I was coming down a hill and saw two obviously homeless men sitting at a little gazebo right along the side of the river. I smiled and nodded. I saw a him and thought he said something, but wasn't sure. I felt I should turn around. I did. As I approached them, I asked if he was "flagging me down."
He said, "No beautiful! I saw your lovely face grinning at me and was just saying hi." He grinned again and lifted up his hand. That's when I noticed it. This breaded, grinning, dreadlock, winter hat wearing man, only had a thumb on either hand. He had palms, but they stopped at the knuckles. He was one of the happiest misfits I've ever seen. I looked at the man sitting next to him and noticed something else. While he did have a 5 o'clock shadow, he had shoulder length hair, wearing a "blossom" hat (Blossom Hat), and a loosely tied off skirt over some leggings. She was adorable...she too was a misfit, and a very shy one at that. They introduced themselves as Dave and Viv.
I started to stretch while we chatted and then offered some extra granola bars in my backpack. They gave each other a look of excitement and said, "are you sure?!" I looked at them and said, "While I've never been where you are now, I've been close. I may not have much, but I'm always willing to share."
He handed Viv a bar and then unwrapped his with much more ease than I thought able. We sat and talked for a few minutes. Viv sat quietly and watched while Dave and I conversed. He was a disable vet down on his luck. We talked about the Bible, and that there might still be hope for humanity. He told me I was beautiful and may God bless me for stopping and showing kindness to them. I told them, I needed to keep going, but, if I had time, I'll swing back by.
I kept going for about two more miles. I stopped, took a mini break, still thinking about those two lovely people. I remembered I had some fresh strawberries in my pack too. I ate just a few, and headed back to the gazebo.
They were still there when I stopped again. Dave grinned and said, "Well hello again, beautiful!" I pulled out the strawberries and said, "I have way too many here, please, help me eat them." they were even more excited this time...but they still asked me if I was sure.
Viv even joined in the conversation this time. She asked me what my sign was. I forgot what else she had asked, I was just happy she joined in!
We kept talking. Viv was from Orange County, but wouldn't say much more. Dave was from Michigan, third generation military man. He said how much he missed his mama. She died July 7th, 3 years ago. He said how much he misses his family. I asked if she was his only family. Dave said no, but since his mom died, "Everything and everyone changed. They got distant." he did say it was just as much his doing as his family. He mentioned his desire to travel to where they live now (about two hours from where we were) to make amends and see everyone.
I hated to leave right then, but I had to pick up my son from school and had to book it to my car. That's when I stood up, looked at both Dave and Viv and said, "We are all children of God."
Dave said, "Yes girl, we are."
I stood up, embraced him and kissed him on his cheek, "That makes you my brother." I reached over to Viv and embraced her, "And you my sister." They both smiled and had tears in their eyes. Dave said, "Beautiful, you have made my day." and Viv nodded in agreement. We said our goodbyes and I headed onward.
I haven't seen Viv again, but I did see Dave once more, and gave him an apple. We chatted for a few minutes while he wolfed it down, as he was on his way to the library.
Before you judge someone by their clothes, their skin, their cleanliness...please stop and think of how they got there. Yes, sometimes it's drugs, but sometimes it's way more complicated.
Be nice to the homeless, they have very interesting lives and will help you out if you need it too.
"Why Do They Have To Flaunt It?"
But most of the time, we flaunt it during one week in our cities...Pride Week. But, I think they're jealous.
Hope you had a good laugh as well!