Tuesday, April 2, 2013

These Feelings Are Wrong

In a recent correspondence with "Sam", I was asked why I am afraid to lose my temple recommend...that the church's official stance is "The feelings and urgers aren't wrong, it's acting upon them that's wrong."

Yes, that is true.  But when you sit there in church and they preach over the pulpit, in Sunday School, where ever, that "homosexuality is a sin", you can't help but think something is wrong with YOU.  You are in a battle with yourself thinking "well, if I'm thinking these things, that means I want it, and it's wrong...therefor, these feelings are wrong."

It's not a far leap to think this.  That is where the fear of admiting these feelings comes into play.

Some days I'm okay, some days I'm not.  I'm still trying to find that perfect balance between love and hate within myself...as I'm sure there are many of you like that.

Lots of love,



  1. You're doing a great job by sharing your thoughts! Keep it up!

  2. Thank you Alex. Some days it is hard to put these deep, personal thoughts out here for all to see. But when I see comments and my full in-box, I know this is helping. :)
