Sunday, April 28, 2013

LGBT Missionaries

Tonight's post is a link to an amazing talk writen by a dear friend; nay my brother from another mother; Mitch Mayne.

For those who haven't heard of him, Mitch is the first openly gay Mormon to hold a calling.  He has influenced many people and have sometimes saved them from included.

He has been a big key in helping me see the love and accept this part of me while maintaining my testimony of the gospel.  He and Nadia were also my main cheerleaders to start this blog!   I'm hoping to one day find the time to do a Q&A with him, but our schedules are so conflicting! Lol

He hit the nail on the head with this one! LGBT Missionaries.  Please read the article and then finish My post!

It is our job to be missionaries as the underdogs... it is up to us to make these changes.

One reader told me that "change begins in the pews." Meaning, if we're not there every Sunday, it won't change.

So, despite the ignorance that sometimes spews from those over the pulpit, raising their hand in Sunday School or Relief Society, go, show up. Be strong.  By just being there, you will eventually drum up the courage to speak out.  It probably won't be to say "I'm gay and what you're saying is very hurtful." I'm not even there yet!

But it could be something little, then a little more...and soon, most everyone, will understand what someone like us is feeling (they still might not agree, but hey, it's a start!)

Line upon line, precept upon precept,  here a little there a little.

Love you with all my heart!




  1. Thank you for sharing Mitch's post and your comments.

    The truth is that faithful asking, seeking, and knocking are not arc-steadying practices, but very near the foundation of the gospel and revealed religion. Many of our inspired programs (e.g. YSA, FHE, Sunday School) and doctrines (e.g. word of wisdom) were either started from the pews, or were given in response to questions raised from the pews.

    We saw an excellent example of this this year. Prior to April General Conference, no woman had ever represented the whole Church before The Lord in prayer. Furthermore, many Wards have folk traditions indicating a woman can't offer either the opening or closing prayer (depending on the Ward) in Sacrament Meeting. A group of faithful saints initiated a letter writing campaign, requesting women be asked to pray in Conference. The initiators of the campaign were threatened and belittled by other non-officials.

    After the first GC where two women prayed (one opening and one closing prayer), many asked, "So? What was the big deal?" I think, though, that was the very case the letter writers were making, that this should have happened long ago because it shouldn't be a big deal.

    So, don't be afraid of offering questions/ideas from the pews, don't be afraid of faithful agitation, and as things change and your point of view becomes "obvious," don't be surprised as people wonder what all the fuss was about.

    Keep proselyting,

    1. I'm so sorry that I didn't see this sooner! Good heavens! Thanks for your words Sam! Yes, the changes we seek come from the pews!

