Hello again!
This is an e-mail from "N". There won't be much advice on this one, because this is a unique situation, one I am not going through. With her permission, she said I could post her story. We are doing this in the hopes of reaching out to more people who may be in this situation as well. As with the purpose of this blog, this post is to show that WE are not alone in ANY situation!
This post is a condensed version of several e-mails:
I've recently stumbled across your blog as I was trying to find a way to not have this guilt That I do from what we learn and have been taught in being LDS. Thank you.
I'm not really looking for advice, but someone I can talk to who is Bi and LDS.
My back-story:
I've been married for 15 years, sealed have 4 children and recently came out to my husband. It's been a roller coaster of a ride.
We talked about how I know I should have before we married told him but I was ashamed and just found it easier to hide it. I've pretty much have hidden who I really am my entire life. All life choices have been to make others happy. And by keeping it bottled up, I've exploded. I knew I was bi in college and was called out by my dad all because of a picture I had done with my best friend (and crush) at that time. I didn't think twice about it, and even my mom never would have guessed I was bi because of this picture. But somehow he called me on it. I made a point to prove everyone he told wrong. I even got pregnant and at that time was like, see, not gay dad.
I still want to believe I'm a good Christlike person. However I have found myself drinking again, not sure if it's to relax or because I stopped drinking originally for everyone else and not myself.
While I wish I've been as strong as you in maintaining a monogamous relationship, I have fallen in love with a women. And because of her, this is why I came out to my husband.
I never meant to love her. I couldn't stop myself and I've tried many times to stop.
I love my husband and all the reasons why I fell in love with him is still there. I don't want to leave him. And luckily he doesn't want to leave me. It's been a scary few months.
I've even had sex with her. And enjoy it.
My husband has come to the conclusion that he doesn't want to lose me. And if that means sharing me he does that. I feel so selfish. And I can't stop. Sometimes I wish he'd say stop or else. But then that push might actually cause us to divorce.
I am hoping that I'm doing this because I've bottled myself up and that one day I'll be back to who I was. Living a Better life, monogamous. I just don't know how to get there. Especially because how much I love her. Yes right now I don't want to leave my husband. Maybe it's because of our young kids (youngest is 3). Maybe I will leave if she's still around in 5-10 years down the road. Or maybe someone else will come into the picture. What I do know is that my husband and mine's relationship has become stronger because of it all. Because of me dating a women, and us overcoming that, we are learning to communicate more. We have a stronger marriage. In my husbands opinion, if we can overcome this we can overcome a lot more and I agree.
Because of me having sex with her and I do continue seeing her, A weekend every couple weeks or month, I'm questioning whether or not I belong in the church. I don't want to stop because I love my calling (nursery) and I know I believe in the gospel. But I'm doing nothing but sinning. I am still wearing my garments. I can't bring myself to not wearing them. Of course though when I go out to drink or am with her, I don't. I feel so at a loss.
Dear "N", Thank you for your e-mail! I'm so sorry to hear what you are going through. I wish I could hug you and tell you everything will be okay.
I'm sorry that your Dad tried to "out" you, that is not how a family should be. You obviously weren't ready to admit it and him acting that way to you sure didn't help.
I do want to comment on the drinking, I have had drinks before and completely understand that it is a way to deal with stressful situations. Doctor's have said a glass of wine a day is actually good for you. But this is where the Word Of Wisdom (WOW) is on a case by case basis...and this is going to be a soap box for me. Everything in the WOW is said "Not to be used except for medicinal purposes." I drink herbal teas, I think they are MUCH healthier than kool-aid, which seems to be a staple in LDS homes. I do on occasion drink coffee, it is NASTY...but I get migraines and asthma, and when my normal meds don't work, I go to the coffee before the E.R. it's amazing how a $3 cup of joe can fix a problem that would cost me $1,000 at the E.R. I also get upset when people give me crap over drinking coke (yes, I LOVE coke!) when they have a giant piece of meat every night. People pick and choose what they want to get out of the WOW, they are just looking for a reason to be uptight with you.
As for the garments, I have seen and heard personal experiences from family that even if you are NOT living what the church deems a "worthy life", the garments will still help you and protect you. That being said, if you do not feel comfortable wearing them, don't. But that is between you and God to decide. There are times I don't feel comfortable wearing them, like when I cycle, so I don't.
You said you were in nursery, and you love it there, you don't want to leave the church because of it. To me, that says you have a testimony, but it's a bit shaky right now. I'm afraid if you leave nursery and go into Relief Society, you will not go to church. They don't know what's going on in your life and they can and will say things (on purpose or not) that will hurt you and embarrass you. You don't need that right now.
Instead, take in what you do in nursery, the joy and innocence of God's little children. What do you teach those little ones? Basically, that God loves YOU and Jesus wants us all to be Sunbeams. He LOVES YOU despite what is going on in your life. He LOVES YOU despite how you feel about yourself. No matter WHAT you have done that is deemed "wrong" in your life, HE STILL LOVES YOU!! Remember, it is in the darkness that we can see the light better and help guide us back to the path we are meant to be on. It is in those cracks and imperfections that the light gets in and we can see within our souls the sunbeams that we have learned about.
Many hugs and prayers to you that you may find the path that is right for YOU and makes You happiest.