Saturday, November 30, 2013

Unexpected Conversation

Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving, we sure did!

Not every post is about being bisexual, this one isn't either.

I'm lying here in bed still sick but finally getting better.

We knew it was going to just be our small family for Thanksgiving. My family is spread all over and my husband's family decided to travel this year. We couldn't because his holiday work schedule is always bad. We never see him, but the overtime makes for a good Christmas.

Anyhoo, we invited a semi active family from our ward that my husband has become close with. I know them a little. So, they came over and me and his wife were cooking and talking. She told us her conversion story. It was beautiful.

You can tell she does have a testimony, but (there's always a but) she doesn't feel very comfortable sometimes in our ward. She knows it's a good and friendly ward, but seems a tad superficial. I told her yes, it can be and that's a main reason why most of my friends aren't Mormon, because,  sadly,  the church is perfect, the people in it arent.

We talked more and even showed each other our tattoos and laughed and laughed.

After a good dinner, we were sleepily chatting and she said,  "you know, church seems easier now that I know there are people like me in the church.  It gives me hope."

I laughed and said, "Good. And there are way more misfits than you'd think in the church. We're different, we have different personalities and different perspective, but that doesn't mean we can't come and also worship God."

So, unexpected turn of events for Thanksgiving, but a good one! I'm proud to be "on the fringes" or not one of the cookie cutter Mormons...I can be myself and still show people my love and devotion to God...and I do that by loving my fellow man.

Love everyone, you never know what lesson they'll learn from you.




  1. Hope you're feeling better - your posts are always great, regardless of subject - I can relate to the family you invited over on Thanksgiving in many ways.

  2. Thank you Ted! It's been a rough November and we keep having storm upon storm right now...but things are real starting to look up and much better than before! I this 2014 is going to be an amazing year for us!
