Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Q&A #1: Do People Take You Seriously?

This question is from a friend of mine.  She also happens to be like me.  We have had some very cathartic conversations.  This question came up in a recent correspondence.

"When you tell people that you are bisexual, or that women complete/fulfill something for you that maybe men don't-do people take you seriously?  Do they doubt the legitimacy of what you're saying or what that exactly means?"

I had a co-worker once say to me, "You're not bisexual!  You're married!"  I told her, "No, that just means I'm monogamous."

I think there is a stigma out there about it, and I think it comes partly from the hetero community as well as the gay community.  Being that it appears I am completely happy, have a family, a loving husband...it's that Leave It To Beaver outlook, the grass is always greener.  That I've never had any REAL struggles and never any turmoil in my life about it.

That couldn't be farther from the truth.  It's very hard to sit there when your in your teens, trying to find yourself and hearing your mom (and members of your Ward) say something like, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" when something is brought up about it.  It makes you think that there is something wrong with you.  That your horrible and dirty for having these thoughts, feelings and urges.  Going to church every Sunday with a struggle and thought that you might be damned forever because of all this is a very scary place to be.  It makes you shrivel back more into your little, tight, confining closet a little more.

Just because there is no great show of discontent on the outside, doesn't mean it hasn't happened on the inside.  I internalized much of it and just kept it quite.  Quite suffering.  I think that happens more often than not.

I do feel lucky though.  I think being Bi is a little more "acceptable" because I still like guys as well.  I think with the religious aspect brought into it...it's looked on as I'm not hardwired completely wrong, just a few shorts here and there.  I am also happily married to my soul mate...he is my rock, my everything, my better half.  If he didn't have male parts, this blog would be going in a completely different direction.

I think because I have this beautiful marriage and wonderful children, that I don't sometimes have struggles and urges.  I do.  But I keep them in check...because for me, as I said above, I am monogamous and would never do anything to hurt my amazing husband or family.

I hope this helps and I can't wait to answer more questions!!


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