Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mormon In America: The Rock Center Piece

So, this last week, on a major new station here in the US, they did a one hour segment on a program called Rock Center.  The segment was entitled "Mormon in America".

I was really excited to see it, because my friend, Mitch Mayne was going to be on.  He is an openly gay Mormon who holds a calling.  A first in the church.  He is currently not in a relationship and that's what allows him to hold his calling.  He's also an activist in trying to get the church to change some policies on gays in the church.  He went through a length interview process and said a TON of things.

They gave him maybe two didn't do ANYTHING really for his cause.  I felt it painted him more as a gay man with a troubled past.  Not someone who is very happy now and is a huge advocate for gays in the church.  He did look pretty sharp though! :)

I will say, I was upset that they did show the pictures of our garments.  That, to me wasn't called for.  They even mentioned that we keep and hold them very sacred.  We don't go around showing them to everyone...please respect that.

Another girl, Joanna Brooks is known for her blog "Ask Mormon Girl" she's also an author.  She is about being an advocate for feminist Mormons.  She's has been getting a lot of flack for her part too.  I think it's funny how many people are giving flack when they really don't know how many of us think these thoughts in private, but are too afraid to speak out.  Here she is with the courage to speak these things we think in the dark, and all you do is criticize her?

You've got to consider, that the media still spins everything to have it look and act a certain way.  When they do that, the real truth is lost.

I thought we had gotten past a lot of these problems.  But, I guess even I know better.  Hell, I'm even skeptical...I have a pen name.

Anyhoo, I would like to here your thoughts!  Please, e-mail me!!!


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